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Custom Humbuckers

Modern, Vintage & Custom Replacement Humbucker Pickups

Most of my replacement humbuckers have a specific coil offset for each model just to open up more frequencies. A humbucker by nature cancels some of the buzz you get with 60 cycle hum but in doing so a whole lot of other frequencies are shut out too which can lead to a somewhat sterile sound. I try to claw some of these frequencies back by stepping the coils a little.

Custom, Handwound Gibson/PAF Humbuckers from The Creamery, Manchester.

For prices, head straight to the Creamery Custom Humbucker Shop.

'59 Humbucker

'59 Humbucker

Creamery vintage '59 Replacement Humbucker for the classic PAF sound - Alnico 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or Ceramic.

See Below

Baby '71 Wide Range

Baby '71 Wide Range

A True Spec replacement Wide Range Humbucker to fit a standard Gibson/PAF size cavity & ring

See Below

Custom 'Double Track'

Custom 'Double Track'

The Creamery Dual Blade Humbucker made to your own custom specifications.

See Below

Custom '13 Humbucker

Custom '13 Humbucker

Fatter, crunchier, edgier replacement Humbucker. Custom Designed with Bernard of Joy Division / New Order

See Below

Classic '83

Classic '83

Creamery Higher Output Classic '83 'Hair Metal' Replacement Humbuckers for that saturated sound.

See Below



Crunchier, Grittier, Gibson/PAF/Humbucker sized P90 Pickups.

See Below

Custom Replacement Humbucker Pickups - VINTAGE, MODERN UPGRADES

Creamery Custom Handwound Replacement Humbucker Pickups & Upgrades

Creamery Custom Handwound Replacement vintage and modern Humbucker PickupsFrom vintage sounding humbuckers to modern & custom design replacements I've designed my humbucker range for a variety of sounds & styles - from classic PAF style Humbuckers through modern alterntive designs to higher output ceramic & Alnico 8 pickups, created to really push your amp.

My replacement humbuckers are all handwound here in my workshop. Each pickup is wound at slowish speed with 42 AWG (46 SWG), 43 AWG (46.5 SWG) plain enamel or vintage formvar copper wire before being wax-potted in a measured combination of beeswax and paraffin (though you can order my covered humbuckers unpotted for that classic 'honkier' sound).

I wind all replacement humbuckers with a small, specific coil offset for each design to open up more frequencies, giving a richer sound. A humbucker by nature cancels some of the buzz you get with 60 cycle hum but in doing so other frequencies are shut out too which can lead to a somewhat sterile sound. I claw some of these frequencies back through custom, offset, patterned winding.

Handwound at my workshop here in Manchester

You can buy a complete set of Creamery Classic Replacement Humbuckers (Bridge & Neck) in the shop. You can even mix and match the Alnico magnets to create your own set.

If you're after a custom set of replacement Humbuckers, just get in touch with details of the kind of voice/sound/output you're after and we can work on the best design for you. I don't have pickusp all boxed up ready to send out, each order is custom made so I can tweak the specifications to suit your own guitar & playing.

NOTE: I do offer an 'Aged Nickel' cover. I don't use chemicals to artificially 'age' the cover as the waste chemicals are very difficult to dispose of here in my area. With this in mind my 'aged' covers are more of a 'brushed' nickel where I take the sheen off the cover by hand giving an older look. They do have that lived-in look to them. They just don't have the artificial track marks achieved through chemicals.

Handwound in my workshop here in Manchester

Use the tab menu below to view the full range of Creamery Replacement Humbucker Pickups


  • Classic/Vintage Humbucker Pickups


    Creamery '57

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery '57

    Magnets Alnico 2, 3, 4 or 5
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.8k
    Neck Output 7.0k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Audio Demo

    The Classic Clean Humbucker Sound

    Clear, clean humbucker sound / more snarl when overdriven

    A classic humbucker sound, rich and full of warmth with great harmonics. A real creamier humbucker sound when overdriven.

    Brighter than the Alnico 2 Humbucker but warmer than the Alnico 5, the Alnico 4 humbucker pickup has a darker low, more clarity in the mids and a wider extended range than the 2.

    The Alnico 5 Humbucker. Balanced mids, snappy lows and a top-end with room to breath. The Alnico magnet is brighter sounding than the Alnico 2 or 4, giving this humbucker pickup more of a snappier tone.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition. A rich, vintage tone.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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    Creamery '59

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery '59

    Magnets Alnico 2, 3, 4 or 5
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 8.3k
    Neck Output 7.3k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Audio Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Audio Demo

    The Classic Bluesier, Rockier Humbucker Sound

    Classic Rich, Fat PAF/Humbucker Sounds

    A slightly higher output than the Creamery '57 with a little more in the mids and slightly smoother in the highs but still with that classic rich warm tone with great harmonics. A real creamier humbucker sound when overdriven.

    Brighter than the Alnico 2 Humbucker but warmer than the Alnico 5, the Alnico 4 humbucker pickup has a darker low, more clarity in the mids and a wider extended range than the 2.

    The Alnico 5 Humbucker. Balanced mids, snappy lows and a top-end with room to breath. The Alnico magnet is brighter sounding than the Alnico 2 or 4, giving this humbucker pickup more of a snappier tone.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition. A rich, vintage tone.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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    Creamery '76

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery '76

    Magnets Alnico 5 or Ceramic
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.7k
    Neck Output 6.8k

    The Classic '70s brighter, attacking sound

    Classic T-Top punk, sizzle & attack

    A lower output than the Creamery '59 with custom offset windings and custom sized, strong Alnico 5 or Ceramic magnets.

    Partly based on the '70s Gibson T-Top humbuckers and the bright, aggressive punk sounds of the era, its a real brighter, more focussed, punkier humbucker sound for those looking for that brighter, muscular attack and crunch that cuts through the mix a little more.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition. A rich, vintage tone.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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    Creamery '87

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery '87

    Magnets Custom Sized Alnico 2 or your choice
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.9k
    Neck Output 7.6k

    Creamery Custom '87 Replacement Humbucker Pickup

    The Classic 'Appetite' Sound

    You can guess the inspiration behind my '87 Humbuckers and although you can order them with different magnets, the custom Alnico 2 set will give you that rich sound, full of warmth with great harmonics. A real creamier humbucker sound when overdriven, rounder, a little softer in the bass response.

    Partly based on the '70s Gibson T-Top humbuckers and the bright, aggressive punk sounds of the era, its a real brighter, more focussed, punkier humbucker sound for those looking for that brighter, muscular attack and crunch that cuts through the mix a little more.

    The Alnico 2 magnets and moderate outputs help give a warm, sweeter sound allowing the strings to vibrate that bit more naturally, that bit more freely for great sustain - giving great rounded cleans. The moderate output and custom magnets let the amp & pedals take care of the overdrive - giving you that classic, sweeter humbucker sound synonimous with the inspiration behind it.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound. With my '87 Humbucker I experimented with a number of different coil offsets, along with different Alnico 2 magnet specs & sizes to get the final design I was after - It took me a good while but I'm really happy with the final results.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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  • Lower Output Humbucker Pickups


    Hollow Body Humbucker

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery Hollow-Body Humbucker

    Magnets Alnico 5
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.3k
    Neck Output 6.4k

    Classic, Woody Clean Sounds

    A Brighter Humbucker for Semi & Hollow Body Guitars

    A humbucker pickup specifically designed for hollow & semi-hollowbody guitars. Slightly brighter with less distortion and a tighter bass than the Creamery classic humbuckers.

    Partly based on the '70s Gibson T-Top humbuckers and the bright, aggressive punk sounds of the era, its a real brighter, more focussed, punkier humbucker sound for those looking for that brighter, muscular attack and crunch that cuts through the mix a little more.

    The lower number of windings and offset coils give these pickups more air in the tone, real room to breath giving great string definition in chord work. A great pickup that sweetens up when you roll off the tone.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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    Mono '79

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbucker Pickups - Creamery Mono 79 Humbucker

    Magnets Double Thickness / Double Strength Alnico 5
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.0k
    Neck Output 6.1k

    Bright Humbucker Sizzle

    A Powerful, Bright Attacking Humbucker

    Almost a fusion between my Black Cat style pickups and a lower output humbucker - Making a bright, powerful humbucker that belies its seemingly lower output.

    The thicker/ stronger Alnico 5 Magnet is the ame as used in my Black Cat Filtertron style humbucker pickups, which have the effect of rasing the perceived volume even though the output is seemingly lower, giving a great attacking pickup that keeps its clarity & brightness. NOTE: If Black & White Mono isn't your thing, the pickups can be ordered in the usual chrome and open bobbin configurations.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Also available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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  • Higher Output Replacement Humbucker Pickups


    Classic '83 "Hair Metal" Humbucker

    Higher Output Humbuckers - Creamery Classic '83 Hair Metal Humbucker

    Magnets Alnico 5, 8 or Ceramic
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 13.6k
    Neck Output 11.7k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo

    The Classic Hair Metal Humbucker

    A hotter, Bright, Attacking Humbucker

    Similar in output to the Dirty Shirt Humbucker but with a tighter focus, the Classic '83 has thicker mids, a little more in the bass whilst keeping those fatter higher frequencies.

    Choose from Alnico 5, 8 or ceramic magnets - The 5 will give you a more rounded, vintage high output tone. The Alnico 8 is a great balance between the the 5 & Ceramic option, giving more treble but with a smoother roll-off to the mids whereas the Ceramic option works to emphasise those biting higher frequencies at gain.

    Great clarity & definition for a higher output humbucker.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Also available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.

    Avaialble in chrome or Gold H-Cover.


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    "Dirty Shirt" Alnico 8 Humbucker

    Creamery Custom_Handwound_Dirty_Shirt_Humbucker_Pickup_sm

    Magnets Alnico 8
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 13.6k
    Neck Output 9.7k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo

    Hotter, Higher Output Humbucker

    A hotter, Bright, Attacking Alnico 8 Humbucker

    A hot, overwound humbucker pickup that sounds neither muddy or shrill - The custom Alnico 8 magnet helps to give the pickup great bottom-end, punch in the mids while the high end is smoother than the harshness often associated with ceramics.

    Great clarity & definition for a higher output humbucker.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Also available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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    "Double Six" Alnico 8 Humbucker

    Higher Output Humbuckers - Creamery Double Six Alnico 8 Overwound Humbucker

    Magnets 2 x Alnico 5 & 1 x Alnico 8
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 14.5k
    Neck Output 11.7k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo

    Hotter, Powerful Pickup with great String Definition

    Clarity & definition in a higher output Humbucker

    An even hotter, overwound humbucker pickup that sounds neither muddy or shrill

    A trio of custom Alnico 5 & Alnico 8 magnets help to give the pickup great bottom-end & punch in the mids while the high end is smoother, still articulate for higher output playing

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Also available in Chrome, Nickel covers or open with black or zebra bobbins.


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  • Creamery Custom, Modern & Alternative Design, Replacement Humbucker Pickups


    "Baby '71 - Standard Humbucker Sized

    Creamery Wide Range / Thinline Humbucker Replacement Pickups - Baby 71 standard Humbucker sized

    Magnets Individual Threaded Magnets
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way
    Bridge Output 8.7k
    Neck Output 7.6k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - audio Demo

    Clarity, Definition, Sparkle and Versatility

    The True Wide Range sound in a standard Humbucker size

    Classic fat single coil sound - Great clarity and string definition with a bright chime & warmth.

    Individual threaded pole magnets charged to around 2/3rds capacity allow you to dial in each string. A warmer mid-range than standard single coils and with a higher output, they're great for breaking up an amp. With a great fat bridge tone sounding akin to a "doubled-up" Tele and a neck with a warm, sweet brightness, these Wide Range / Thinline Humbucker style pickups are a great if you're looking for something more to replace a standard humbucker.

    As with all my humbucker pickups, the coils are asymmetrically wound to custom specifications giving more dynamics, clarity & string definition and a richer overall sound.

    Slightly brighter with a tighter bass response that my full-size Classic '71 Wide Range / Thinline Humbucker repros due to the slightly narrower coil and lower output.

    Available with either Three-Way or 4-Way wiring, the cover options are Chrome, Chrome H-Cover, Black, White, Cream or uncovered with black, zebra or B&W bobbins. You can also purchase the pickup with a Gold cover though please remember that the magnets will remain the same colour.

    >PLEASE NOTE: These pickups are a direct drop-in to fit a standard humbucker size cavity/scratchplate.


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    Travis Bean® Humbucker Design

    Creamery Custom Handwound Travis Bean Pickup in PAF Humbucker size

    Magnets Alnico 2 or 5
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 11.9k
    Neck Output 10.2k

    Travis Bean® Gibson / PAF Size

    Fat Full clarity & crunch with great String Definition

    The Classic Travis Bean® Design in the Gibson/PAF Humbucker Size

    Classic fat single coil tones - Great clarity and string definition with a bright chime & warmth.

    I spent a good while working on these trying to get the design just right, balancing the original with a modern voice. Not your standard humbucker sound but more of a fat, crunchy "doubled-up" single coil tone - like a doubled-up tele Bridge pickup, clear and powerful. Another direct drop-in replacement for Humbucker size. Based on the classic Travis Bean® Design, these pickups feature great string definition & clarity due to the 12 individual rod magnets that offer true single coil tones when split. A rich attack with the warmth, crunch. The internal steel plate helps focus the sound whist also increasing the perceived output

    PLEASE NOTE: These pickups are a direct drop-in replacement to fit standard Humbuckers and the output can also be custom to your requirements.

    Available in closed chrome or nickel covers


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    Custom Humbucker

    Creamery Custom '13 Dirty Northern - Humbucker Pickup

    Magnets Trio of Custom Made Magnets. Alnico 2 or 5 Bar & Alnico 5 Threaded Rods
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or 4-way
    Bridge Output 8.4k
    Neck Output 7.4k

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo

    Custom Designed with Bernard Sumner of Joy Division / New Order

    Classic PAF on the higher G, B & e strings, much more clarity & string definition under the E, A & D

    Three types of custom magnets for crunchy, crisp, clear & defined lower strings - sweeter, creamier, milkier higher strings for a richer sound. Custom designed with Bernard Sumner of Joy Division / New Order.

    We worked on the design of this pickup together when he wanted something edgier from the Gibson LP Jnr Double Cutaway he picked up. He has a number of vintage guitars (and old Vox amps) but wanted something different for the new live dates and recording. We spent time playing his old original Gibson ES 330 that just sounded perfect, just a really sweet yet gritty sound that really snarled when pushed. It has Dogear P90s but they just had something more than the standard P90 sound but the two issues he had where, it had just been too precious to take out on tour for a number of years and with it having single coil P90s, it hummed, both live and in the studio with all the synths & equipment. In comparison, his Gibson SG and the early 90s LP Jnr he picked up just sounded a little sterile in comparison.

    Clearer, more defined E, A & D strings - Creamier, Warmer G, B & E strings

    So the task was not to recreate the sound of the ES 330 but take its characteristics and make a similar Dogear P90 size pickup to fit the new LP Jnr that kept the colour and edge to the sound but with clearer, more defined and ‘punkier' lower E, A & D strings whilst somehow being warmer, creamier & milkier on the higher G, B & E strings. So rather than try and make some kind of hum-cancelling P90 we decided to just start again from scratch and make a new design of pickup to balance these two ideas, clearer, more defined & crunchier E, A & D strings whilst somehow being able to roll off the treble slightly on the higher G, B & E strings for less of a single coil sound and more towards the richer, fuller humbucker sound. To get the crisper, crunchier lower notes in a humbucker often means less coil and a lower output which can give the higher strings more treble - the task was to reconcile these two ideas, clear, crunchier lower strings with warmer highs with a higher output to push the amp a little more.

    This is where the unique design came about after a few different prototypes - Individual sets of custom made & sized threaded rod magnets of opposing polarity and different strengths underneath the lower E, A & D strings with a double pole humbucker design underneath the G, B & E strings, again with custom made magnets hidden away underneath the offset coils for these strings. Outputwise, we wanted it to really push his naturally brighter vintage VOX AC30 amps for a really attacking, edgier sound.

    Road Testing on Tour

    He took the final prototype out on tour and chose to showcase the new design live onstage as they played their first new material in years at the Lollapalooza festival (I was streaming it live)

    After the gigs, and with the pickup performing well onstage he asked me to make a bridge & neck humbucker sized set to the same spec for his ’62 SG These are the same ones now available in the larger Fender Wide Range Humbucker size.

    He took these back out on the road and gave them a good road test on the short US tour later that month and his final review was

    Back home now and gave the pickups a good trial on tour. Verdict fantastic! Improved both my guitars. The humbuckers have bags of tone and character! The old Gibson ones sound cold and neutral in comparison. Totally pleased. You’ve sure done something right and well impressed the band, me and the crew! I’ve been bigging you up to everyone!"

    Bernard Sumner - New Order / Joy Division

    A great replacement humbucker for PAF/Gibson sized Humbuckers if you're looking for a fatter, grittier, dirtier, crunchier alternative sound.

    Magnet Options

    The magnets under the lower E, A & D strings are custom sized, custom made threaded Alnico 5  whereas the lower G, B & E strings can have either Alnico 2 or the stronger Alnico 5 - Alnico 2, being a little weaker 'holds' the strings a little less, allowing them to vibrate a little more, adding a little more warmth to the overall sound whereas Alnico 5, being that bit stronger, 'holds' the strings a little more for a little brighter attack & focus.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel or open bobbin designs


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    Dark Line

    Creamery Custom Dark Line - Humbucker Sized Pickup

    Magnets Custom Alnico 5 or Alnico 8 Duo
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way
    Bridge Output 11.4k
    Neck Output 10.1k

    Single Blade in a PAF/Gibson Size

    Dirtier, Grittier, Alternative Sounds.

    Initially designed for Jaguars guitars, they're now available in a standard Gibson / PAF / Humbucker size too

    Designed for players who wanted something darker, grittier, something more savage & physical from their guitars, but keeping a tight, razor focus to really cut through the band mix - Not a traditional rock, metal, indie or blues sound, something much more aggressive & visceral. Essentially the idea was to design a raw, more primal sounding pickup for pure alternative sounds and styles of playing. Much tighter, much more focussed - these were designed specifically to play loud.

    A single plated steel blade sits at the heart of the design inside a much more tightly scatterwound coil of thinner 43awg coil wire, and I experimented with a variety of magnet grades and sizes in the initial Jaguar & Strat versions until finally working on a duo of custom square bar Alnico 5s. With a humbucker size however, the internal geometry allows me to really push the overall sound more with some new custom made Alnico 5 or Alnico 8 magnets.

    Available in a custom chrome slit groove design cover, the new Dark Line pickups are direct drop-in replacements - I spent a long time getting the design of these just right, putting them aside, coming back to them - a real labour of love.


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    Sweet '14

    Creamery Custom Sweet 14 Gold Foil Pickup Gibson PAF Humbucker Size

    Magnets Alnico 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or Ceramic
    Coil Wire 43AWG Double Coated Plain Enamel
    Lead Wire 2-Way with separate ground for Cover & Baseplate
    Bridge Output 6.3k
    Neck Output 5.3

    Creamery Custom Guitars and Handwound Pickups - Made in Manchester - Video Demo

    Sweet Clarity in a PAF/Gibson Size

    Custom Designed for a sweet, clear, rich & defined punchy, snappy sound

    I've been working on this on and off for a couple of years, trying various specifications and modifications to get the design just right for that rich clean, snappy sound.

    I've made parts by hand, had custom parts manufactured specifically and finally, finally, after many, many prototypes & testing sessions they're ready - The new Sweet '14 Foil style pickups. I wanted to create a customisable, standard humbucker/PAF size fatter single coil pickup that had the sweetness & warmth of the original Gold Foils whilst keeping great clarity & string definition with a modern punch & snap that really has a powerful sound when cranked - to really cut through the mix.

    The thinner double coated plain enamel 43AWG coil wire helps push the sound that little bit more towards the mid-range for the sweetness I was after and although my personal preference is for an Alnico 2 Bridge/Alnico 4 Neck I decided to offer the full range of magnet options for those who like to create their own combinations - The original 'Gold Foils' people love had weaker rubberised ferrite magnets and although I chose not to use these for the new Sweet '14 Rich Coil pickups as I just wanted something stronger, something a little more modern, I will be using these for the new 44awg true spec/size Gold Foils I'm launching once I've had all the covers & baseplates custom manufactured.

    I wanted these pickups to be something different rather than simply re-casing the original design into a humbucker size, as really, for this new Gibson/PAF Humbucker size pickup, I just wanted more snap, more punch whilst keeping that rich sweetness. Ultimately I wanted to create really defined clean sounds that can be the basis for pedals & effects etc.

    Magnets don't have 'tone' but what they do have is strength and the custom sizes I've had manufactured do affect the overall sound - all other things being equal. I prefer the Alnico 2 bridge as the slightly weaker magnets help to round out the sound that bit more in the naturally brighter bridge position, whereas the stronger Alnico 4 set helps to keep clarity, definition and snap in the naturally darker neck position.

    I've also designed these with a taller coil wrapped around a custom made plated steel blade with a double set of Alnico or Ceramic magnets to really help drive the amp when required for a more modern sound.


    I often get asked to make pickups with unique or different covers to suit a particular custom guitar and with this in mind, I decided to have my custom rounded edge covers manufactured in an open form design which then would allow the seperate top plate to be completely customisable with any design, colour or finish. Some prefer the old Gold or Silver Foil look whereas others have asked for patterns, prints even material, leather and textured card - to give a unique look and feel to the pickups.

    You can see more pictures of custom cover plates and choose either the Gold or Silver Foil versions or just select 'Custom' from the dropdown menu here (single bridge or neck pickup, or calibrated set) and leave me a note at the checkout stage or just drop me an email telling a little more about what you have in mind.


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    Sonic-Six Single Coil

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbuckers - Creamery Humbucker Sized Single Coil Sonic-Six Pickup

    Magnets Threaded Magnets
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Vintage Cloth Covered
    Bridge Output 9.2k
    Neck Output 8.6k

    Single Coil Pickup in a PAF/Gibson Size

    Humbucker Sized Single Coil Pickup with threaded magnets

    A true single coil pickup in a standard Humbucker size. The Creamery Humbucker Sonic-Six pickup for Humucker houses a single, fat 43AWG coil wound around individual threaded Alnico 5 magnets.

    The Sonic-Six pickup is shaped to fit a standard Humbucker cover & mounting ring with no modifications necessary. Huge, fat single-coil tones still with clarity, presence & a defined voice with the added bonus of being able to adjust the height to suit the radius of your fingerboard. Get true single coil tones in a standard humbucker size. Great fat, rounded clean tones - turn up the gain and let the pickup scream.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel or Open Frame / Black Top Plate.


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    12-Pole Humbucker

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbuckers - 12 Pole Humbucker designed for coil splitting

    Magnets Alnico 2, 3 or 5
    Coil Wire 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 12.2k
    Neck Output 9.8k

    Twin Single Coil Pickup in a PAF/Gibson Size

    Designed for Coil-Splitting

    Great string definition & clarity due to the 12 pole magnets that offer true single coil tones when split.

    The coils & Alnico 5 magnets give this humbucker a rich, biting attack, the 43awg wire warms the sound ever so slightly while giving a higher output, enabling a great split single coil tone.

    NOTE: I can stagger the magnets to follow your neck radius. Just let me know whether you have a 7.25", 9.5", 12" etc etc neck radius and I'll stagger the magnets accordingly. This way you can keep a good action on your setup.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel or Open Frame / Open Bobbin


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    Creamery Custom Replacement Humbucker Pickups - Gibson PAF Humbucker Sized Firebird® style Pickup

    Magnets Alnico 2, 5 or ceramic
    Coil Wire 42AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output 7.3k
    Neck Output 6.4k

    Creamery Gibson / PAF sized Firebird® Design Pickups

    The Classic, Vintage Clear Firebird® Sound in a standard Humbucker size

    Great string definition & clarity due to the 12 pole magnets that offer true single coil tones when split.

    A different design to the Mini Humbucker, namely two coils wrapped around individual bar magnets to give a RW/RP, Reverse Wound / Reverse Polarity Humbucker Pickup. Rich and clear with great harmonics and a fatter, 'doubled-up' single-coil sound. More crunch, spank and a tighter bass response. Just a wonderful clear, defined sound.

    Brighter, tighter with more clarity than a humbucker yet fatter than a single-coil, they're great for the neck position or snarly when cranked in a balanced, calibrated bridge & neck set.

    As with most of my replacement Gibson / PAF / Humbucker sized pickups, the two coils are asymmetrically wound giving more dynamics, with a richer clarity & string definition. A rich, vintage sound.

    Available in Chrome or Nickel.


    > Back to the full range of Creamery Replacement Vintage & Modern Humbucker Pickup Upgrades


    Charlie Christian - Humbucker Size

    Creamery Custom Replacement Humbucker Pickups - Charlie Christian Pickup - Gibson/PAF/Humbucker Size

    Magnets Alnico 5
    Coil Wire 38AWG
    Lead Wire Vintage Cloth Covered with Separate Ground Wire
    Neck Output 3.9k



    Creamery Gibson / PAF sized Pickups

    Clear, defined, big, round jazzier sound.

    Wound with much thicker coil wire to a seemingly lower output - don't let that fool you. With strong custom made Alnico 5 magnets the Charlie Christian Humbucker size is a fat, round jazzy sound that keeps clarity & string definition. Its a unique sound that works perfect in the neck position for those wanting vintage, jazzier sounds from a direct drop-in replacement Humbucker neck position pickup.

    A single plated steel blade sits at the heart of the design inside a scatterwound coil of much thicker 38awg coil wire, and I experimented with a variety of magnet grades and sizes until finally working on a duo of custom made Alnico 5s to get the sound I was after.

    Available in a custom chrome slit groove design cover, the new Dark Line pickups are direct drop-in replacements - I spent a long time getting the design of these just right, putting them aside, coming back to them - a real labour of love.

    Made with a seperate ground wire for the cover & baseplate to ensure it will work in-phase with other make bridge pickups

    Available in Chrome, Nickel or Open Frame / Black Top Plate.


    > Back to the full range of Creamery Replacement Vintage & Modern Humbucker Pickup Upgrades


    Double-Track Humbucker

    Creamery Custom Handwound Humbuckers - Double Track Blade Rail Humbucker

    Magnets Alnico 2,3,4,5 or Alnico 8
    Coil Wire 42AWG or 43AWG
    Lead Wire Three-Way or Modern 4-Way
    Bridge Output (See Options Below)
    Neck Output (See Options Below)

    Dual Blade Pickup in a PAF/Gibson Size

    Fully Custom Handwound Humbucker

    Here it is, the totally custom blade humbucker from The Creamery. You chose the magnets & the output for a pickup or set unique for your sound. Blade pickups are great for string bending as, unlike polepiece pickups, there's no audio drop off when pushing/pulling the string. They also have a slightlier smoother, rounder tone as the string is always over the magnetised rail, great for clarity & definition.

    Choose from my:

    • Hollow-Body Humbucker output: 7.3k Bridge, 6.4k Neck
    • '57 Humbucker output: 7.8k Bridge, 7.0k Neck
    • '59 Humbucker outout: 8.3k Bridge, 7.3k Neck
    • Dirty Shirt Humbucker outout: 13.6k Bridge, 9.7k Neck
    • Double Six Humbucker output: 14.5k Bridge, 11.7k Neck
    • or your own choice of output: x.xk Bridge, x.xk Neck

    Also, with a complete choice of magnets ranging from Alnico 2, through Alnico 3, 4, 5 up to Alnico 8 you can truly have a custom blade humbucker pickup. There's also an option to have a trio of Alnico 5 & Alnico 8 magnets for a truly powerful, attacking pickup especially designed for high gain playing.

    Available naked or with chrome or gold H-Covers & closed covers for a classic look, the Creamery Double Track Humbucker gives you the opportunity to have a truly customised hand-wound pickup or set for your guitar. Have a read through the reviews to see what people are saying about my work.

    Available in Chrome, Nickel, Gold, Black H-Gate or Open Frame / Black or White Bobbins.


    > Back to the full range of Creamery Replacement Vintage & Modern Humbucker Pickup Upgrades


    Ric® Toaster® Style - PAF Size

    Creamery Custom Replacement Ric Rickenbacker Pickup - Gibson / PAF / Humbucker Size

    Replacement Ric® Rickenbacker® Style Pickups - PAF Size

    The Full Rickenbacker® range in a Gibson / PAF size

    Choose from any of my classic Ric® style designs in a standard Gibson/PAF/Humbucker Size

    I had a number of requests to design these classic Toaster® styles but to fit a standard Les Paul or dual Humbucker guitar so here they are.

    All my Ric® style pickups in a standard Gibson / PAF / Humbucker size are available in traditional Toaster® style covers or alternativly, you can have them in closed chrome, nickel or even my Gold / Silver Foil designs - Plus more options available at the checkout.

    Low '57

    Magnets Tall 1/4" Diameter Individual Alnico 5 Rods
    Coil Wire 44AWG
    Lead Wire 2 Way with Separate Ground for Cover & Baseplate
    Bridge Output 5.0k
    Neck Output 4.5k

    Creamery Custom Ric® Style Low '57 Pickup

    The Classic, Late '50s Bright, Jangly Ric® Single Coil Sound

    The classic 50's jangle & chime - That bright, jangly, unique sound that cuts straight through the mix.

    Bright, tight with great clarity and definition I make my Low '57 Ric® style replacements calibrated with a slightly lower neck pickup output for good volume balance through the positions though do offer them as a more vintage correct set with matching Bridge & Neck outputs.

    The thinner 44AWG wire helps give a little more mid-range than the low output would usually dictate and when combined with the tall, strong 1/4" diameter Alnico 5 rod magnets that protrude through the bottom of the pickup, you get that classic, rich, late '50s / early '60s sound.

    Toaster® pickups from the '50s tended to have the lower 4.8k-5.0k output whereas into the '60s, the output was increased a little to around 7.5k - So with this in mind you can choose which version you'd like. The 5.0k Low '57 version will sound that little brighter, a little lower in volume than the Mid '63 so if you're after the late '50s sound then go for the Low '57. If you're after that early/mid '60s sound then go for the medium output Mid '63. Both have that sweet, bright sound, the Medium output version being that little fatter, that little bit rounder.


    Mid '63

    Magnets Tall 1/4" Diameter Individual Alnico 5 Rods
    Coil Wire 44AWG
    Lead Wire 2 Way with Separate Ground for Cover & Baseplate
    Bridge Output 7.5k
    Neck Output 7.0k

    Creamery Ric® Style Mid '63 Pickup

    The Classic, Early '60s Bright, Jangly Ric® Single Coil Sound

    The classic 60's jangle & chime - Still that bright, jangly, unique sound a little sweeter, a little rounder than the Low '57.

    Bright, tight with great clarity and definition I make my Mid '68 Ric® style replacements calibrated with a slightly lower neck pickup output for good volume balance through the positions though do offer them as a more vintage correct set with matching Bridge & Neck outputs.

    The thinner 44AWG wire helps give a little more mid-range than the low output would usually dictate and when combined with the tall, strong 1/4" diameter Alnico 5 rod magnets that protrude through the bottom of the pickup, you get that classic, rich, early/mid '60s sound - with slightly rolled back highs, a little more in the mid-range than the Low '57.

    Toaster® pickups from the '50s tended to have the lower 4.8k-5.0k output whereas into the '60s, the output was increased a little to around 7.5k - So with this in mind you can choose which version you'd like. The 5.0k Low '57 version will sound that little brighter, a little lower in volume than the Mid '63 so if you're after the late '50s sound then go for the Low '57. If you're after that early/mid '60s sound then go for the medium output Mid '63. Both have that sweet, bright sound, the Medium output version being that little fatter, that little bit rounder.


    High '68

    Magnets Tall 1/4" Diameter Individual Alnico 5 Rods or Ceramic Bar
    Coil Wire 44AWG
    Lead Wire 2 Way with Separate Ground for Cover & Baseplate
    Bridge Output 12.4k
    Neck Output 10.6k

    Creamery Custom Ric® Style Replacement High '68 Pickup

    The Fatter, Higher Output, Late '60s Ric® Style Single Coil Sound

    I wanted to make a version of the famous Rickenbacker® Hi-Gain Pickups but with more clarity & definition. The original & Modern reissue Hi-Gain pickup designs utilise a strong Ceramic bar magnet underneath and ferrous pole screws through the overwound coil and as well as making a great sounding modern reproduction, I also wanted to make a replacement that was more true to the original individual Alnico rod magnet design. With the much thinner 44AWG coil wire comes more mid-range, especially in such an overwound coil and after many, many prototypes, I signed off these final designs & specifications.

    Available in either Toaster® style with Alnico Rods or traditional open style with Ceramic Bar

    Fatter, warmer that pushes the amp more, I've designed my own version of the famous Hi-Gain pickups again with a custom neck specification & pickup output for good volume balance through the positions.


    Available in closed or Toaster Style Chrome.


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  • Creamery Humbucker Pickup Reviews


    Creamery Custom Replacement Humbucker Pickups - Reviews

    Thanks for the great feedback

    Its great when I get positive feedback from customers, and good reviews & word-of-mouth really help the custom shop maker so with this in mind, I've created this page of reviews.

    All the comments below were either emailed to me or posted to my Twitter or Facebook pages. Have a read through what others are saying about my replacement Humbucker Pickups and get in touch if you'd like me to custom make some pickups for you. I don't have pickups all boxed up ready to send out, each order is custom made which means I can modify the specifications to suit you, your playing and your guitar.

    It really means a lot

    Back home now and gave the pickups a good trial on tour. Verdict fantastic! Improved both my guitars. The humbuckers have bags of tone and character! The old Gibson ones sound cold and neutral in comparison. Totally pleased. You’ve sure done something right and well impressed the band, me and the crew! I’ve been bigging you up to everyone!

    Bernard Sumner - Custom '13 Humbucker Set

    Shall be breaking it in tonight at the Olympic Stadium Barcelona... I gave it a quick blast during soundcheck through Matts rig and both me and Jason (Matts tech) agreed it sounded pretty damn good…

    Loving the sound of the pickup combinations..definitely doing all the things I hoped and more...have a feeling its going to see a lot of use in the studio as well as live...

    Morgan Nicholls - Custom Hidden 12-Pole Humbucker (Chrome P90 Dogear) Bridge / Sonic '60 Neck

    I simply love the pickup. The guitar that I placed the Double-Track into has quickly become my fav guitar (out of 7 of them...) - A gold top Fender Tele, circa '04 (Originally came stock with a pair of DiMarzio Air Norten humbuckers. You've aided me in realizing a tone that is truly unique, that could not come from a standard, or stock Fender. And for this I extend my gratitude, and my respect.

    For Now, Sam

    Sam Fogarino - Custom 'Double-Track' Humbucker Set

    Jaime- Hooked them up today. They are, without a doubt, the clearest sounding pick ups I have ever played. I don't even know if I can describe it. It's like if nothing else affected tone - wood, cables, amps, etc. - if it was just pure sound, that's what these sound like. They are the clearest thing between guitar and amp - bringing out both the sound of the guitar and the sound of the amp.

    They're snappy. They ring clear as day with chords, clean and distorted. Tonnes of sustain. They're bright (but that's subjective - there are tone controls on everything - guitar, pedals, amps).

    I put them through a few different amps - a 70s Traynor YGM-4 (clean, but Marshall-ish), a boutique Tweed 5e3 clone (AudioFab out of Waterloo, Ontario), and a Vox Nightrain 15.

    Great work again! I'm slowly working my way through outfitting all of my guitars with your pickups.

    I might have to hit you up for another set of these in the future to see how they sound in a solid body.

    Dennis Guy - Humbucker Sized ‘Foil’ Set

    Pickups arrived yesterday and I installed them today, just wanted to say a big thanks these are incredible I can’t believe the tone compared to my originals.

    Marc Bateson - ’59 Humbucker Set

    I just wanted to say that the pickups sound great. Don't change anything about your specs. They are perfect! Well-balanced and full sounding, with nice round tones on the top end. Good string separation even in the neck position. And there's plenty of surfy, sparkling definition in the bridge when i want it. (I play through a Fender DR and a Fender Blues DeVille.)

    Just wanted to let you know how great they sound.

    Dave Cobb - Baby ’71 Set

    And BTW the '59 A2 cuts through the mix like a hot knife. Completely recalibrated how I use a Les Paul :v)

    Alex Luker - ’59 Alnico 2 Bridge

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you but I needed to get them wired in and as they've gone into a guitar with a Floyd and I was changing the tuning to D standard, I also had to wait to get a proper set up done on it. Anyway, it's back now and I've played on it for the last two nights. Band practise tomorrow night will give me a better idea but my initial impression is that they're fantastic. That Double Six is perfect. It has almost all of the qualities I liked in the Classic '83 plus that bit more bite I was looking for. The '59 is also perfect with the A2 magnet. It keeps up with the Double Six just fine, has plenty articulation and a beautifully sweet tone. This PRS is now PERFECT. Thank you so much. I'll be back when I have the money to do the pickups in my Gibson.

    Andrew White - Double-Six Bridge / ’59 Neck

    I recently purchased a set of Baby ’71 WRHBs and put them in my LP styled guitar. They are working great and I really love the tones - especially with them in split coil mode as I’m really a single coil guy at heart.

    Arthur Smith - Baby ’71 Set

    I've just tested your pickups in my mustang now and...they're marvellous !!! Special mention to the neck pickup which sounds amazing to me ! Congratulations !

    Mr Thieux - Baby ’71 Set

    The sound of these pickups is envied a lot! Thanks Jaime.

    Chris Charlesworth - Custom Double-Track Humbucker Set

    I just wanted to pass on a note about the set of baby 71's I received from you. Finally got them installed about a week ago and took the guitar to a gig saturday to give them a bit of a workout. I'm blown away. I've never heard a pickup sound so clear. I can't make this thing have a bad sound. Really impressed with your work. Can't wait to order a set of single coils for my strat from you. Hopefully soon.

    Jamie Bohach - Baby ’71 Set

    My Creamery pickups arrived earlier this week and I didn't waste anytime getting them installed in the Fender I told you about. I put them through a rehearsal on Wednesday night and was extremely happy with the tone and versatility. The wide range pickup is amazing!

    Paul Butterfield - Custom ’72 Pawn Shop Mustang Set - Humbucker Bridge & Classic ’71 Neck

    Pickups arrive yesterday and I installed them today, just wanted to say a big thanks these are incredible I can’t believe the tone compared to my originals.

    Marc Bateson - ’59 Humbucker Set

    Been playing for a few days with the new pickups and they sound stunning! Completely changed the way that guitar sounds and feels, and consequently I've been able to use the tone controls on the amp much more effectively. Very happy!

    Really impressed with them and super happy with them! Very balanced even tone, even my students have been commenting on how good they sound!

    Rob Hobson - Custom ’13 Set

    Well. The guitar I got in with the issues regarding the wirering and the pots is done and it just blew my mind. The Clarity of the pickups, wow, it´s just out of this world.

    Dennis Kinastowski - Classic ’83 Bridge, Classic ’59 Neck

    .. I got the pickups fitted today.

    ... and I plugged it in.

    Absolutely Fan-Bloody-Tastic! I'm over the moon with them. Only downside is my other guitar won't get a look in for a while!

    Peter William Newcombe - Baby ’71 Set

    The pickup arrived today and I've already fitted it. It sounds awesome! Thanks for your help with fixing it I've paid the invoice. Many thanks once again!!!!

    Sascha Els - Custom ‘Dirty Fingers’ Humbucker

    I got the pick up and put it on the guitar. It sounds great; it has a very strong character; I think the pick up gives back all that the guitar offers! It's a full sound, that fits both clean and overdriven parts. You did a very good job!

    Sergio Todisco - Baby ’71 Neck

    Hi Jaime, you made me some tele pickups a couple of years back - wide range and a single. A few albums and many tours on they are the best pickups I've ever had.

    Sam Astley - Vintage 2 (Broadcaster) Bridge - Baby ’71 Wide Range Neck

    Pickups arrived yesterday, I installed immediately, they are everything I knew they would be. absolutely bluesy and warm and full sounding, yet keeps a distinct separation of each string with perfect balance and no muddiness. I will be ordering another set soon. They are great and I love them, please don't ever change your formula.

    Anthony Puglia - ’59 Humbucker Set

    I own a set of your Baby '71 wide range Humbuckers and am extremely happy. Sweetest sounding pickups on earth.

    Anton Periquet - Baby ’71 Set

    The pickup is fantastic!!! I absolutely love it -- it definitely passed the "AC DC / Dio -- Holy Diver test" :) I am extremely happy. Even the guitar tech that wired it for me said that it sounds exactly like an old Gibson pickup.

    Zvi Hirsh - ’59 Humbucker

    Dude, you are the best. First of all, thank you for getting that humbucker here for my birthday. That was so nice of you. Second of all, WOW: you know how to make a pickup. I'm getting such a sweet tone out of it. I have been shredding with it and it is a perfect lead guitar humbucker. I'm going to promote you on by band facebook page soon. Thanks for being such a great dude.

    Aiden Merrill-Skoloff - ’59 Humbucker

    Hi Jaime - finally got your pickup fitted to my Tele and what a difference - very responsive - a total change from the original - wonderful in fact - keep up the good work..

    Wray Olphert - Baby ’71 Neck

    I received the pickup today, and installed it right away. !It sounds great :) Thanks!

    Morten Foss - Baby ’71 Neck

    I thought I'd let you know that the new pickups are great and just what I was after. Thanks!

    Neil Forbes - ’57 Al2 Humbucker Set

    I installed the pickups on friday and they sound great. the sound is excellent with plenty of definition.These are just the pickups i was looking for. Thanks again

    P90 Sized Fat Humbucker Bridge - Laurent Kinzinger

    Guitar back from the shop. First impressions of the pickups is fantastic. Bright and clear and different enough tone from the tele pickups (also awesome btw) which is exactly what I wanted.

    Neil Christie - Custom H-S-S Set

    Wow! Freaking awesome sound man! Realy good job, I am in love with them

    Custom ’57 Blade Humbucker Pickups - Danel Sanchez

    Hi Jaime. Finally got the LP back and all i can say is the pickups are amazing.The warmth is everything you said it would be and clear as a bell.I love them.

    Boon Gould - ’59 Humbucker Set

    They sound fantastic! Hats off to you my friend! Nice work. Some of the best pickups I've ever played! Thanks again.

    Boon Gould - ’59 Humbucker SetAlan Briggs - Alnico 8 ‘Dirty Shirt’ Humbucker Set

    Hi Jaime, Hope you're fine. Just to tell you the pickup you made for me is exactly what I needed.

    The sound is great : definition, attack, etc. My english is not so good so that I can make real technicaĺ comments. You are the best ;-)) Thanks a lot.

    Gil Tardy - Double Cream Humbucker

    Hi Jaime. Just fitted the pickup. Wow! Very impressed indeed. Fantastic pickup. Very rich sounding and surprisingly warm for a ceramic. When tapped it retains it's fatness unlike a lot of humbuckers which can sound thin and weedy. Works beautifully with the existing neck pickup which is beefy and jazzy, they contrast well when played in tandem.

    Sounds great in the of phase position too, both tapped and in humbucker mode, again retaining it's fullness surprisingly well. Great product. Dunno how you do it, but I'm glad you do,

    Andrew Osbourne - Classic ’83 Ceramic Bridge

    The pickup is stunning, thanks! Very balanced, warm and “creamy”, I would highly recommended it hi-end archtops! jazz, swing also blues. (all sound is there: Jim Hall, Gran Green, Wes etc.). Very articulative and especially rhythmic /comping sound WOW!

    Kimmo Raineva - Hollow-Body Humbucker

    Hi Jaime, Great pickups , very happy with them.Thank you.

    Richard Bialowas - Sonic-Six Set (Humbucker Sized)

    Hi Jamie, I'm so impressed by the pickups that you made for me that I want to give you a review of my experience as I'd recommend you to anyone.

    I was looking for something warm, sustaining and a bit vintage to replace a set of EMG active humbuckers that I'd outgrown. After some consultation with Jamie (I definitely recommend contacting him so that your purchase can be tailored to what you desire), I settled on a set of Creamery 59s with an alnico 4 magnet in the neck (for clarity and definition) and an alnico 2 in the bridge (for warmth).

    I ordered these with the 4- way wiring so that I could coil split both humbuckers with push/pull pots. When the coils are split the neck pickup has the screws active and the bridge has the slugs active, I did this so that the active coil for both humbuckers was towards the neck for warmth.

    Both pickups perfectly hit the spot, they do exactly what I wanted and have great articulation. They are great when combined on the middle position of a 3-way switch too. They both sound great split, particularly the neck pickup with it's alnico 4 magnet, with a distinct difference to the full humbucker.

    They also react very well to using the volume control, with a tone that varies with it's position. Also a great variety of tones can be found using the tone pot as used a Sprague Orange Drop .047uF capacitor.The price, personalisation, customer service and above all the tone means that I will be coming back to The Creamery for more pickups in the future, before I even consider the big brands.

    Thanks again Jamie,

    Hello Jaime. The pickups have been installed on my Viking... They put this guitar on a higher level and many great sounds are now avalaible! Thanks for all!

    Fabrice Poline - 12-Pole Humbucker Set

    Hi Jaime Just got my pickups back from my local shop the other day, they sound beautiful. Everyone thats heard them so far is blown away, I will deffinatly recomend you to anyone looking for new pickups. Once again, thank you.

    Daniel Milner - Double Track Humbucker Set (Classic ’83)

    Hi Jaime just wired pickups up to 4 push and pull pots gigged them last night they sounded great they are now rocking Spain. Thanks again, kind regards.

    Dave Simpson - ’59 Humbucker Set

    Just a quick note to say how great my pickups are that you made for me, we had a hiccup to start off with,but you resolved it for me really professionally and it was much appreciated.

    They sound awesome,I've never had humbuckers that sound better. I recommend your products whenever possible and it's great to be able to say I'm using British pickups !!!

    Keep up the good work !!!

    Michael Smith - ’59 Humbucker Set

    I have one of your classic 57's with Alnico 3 mags in another Gibson and I love it to bits

    David Carss - ’57 Humbucker

    I'm replying to let you know that the new p90 humbuckers you made finally got fitted, The Pickups are great!

    I had a few issues with the guitar I was installing them into, I wanted to get that fixed at the same time so it took a while to get the guitar back. They sound wonderful, great clarity and Chime but with a nice fuller humbuckers sound which is nice and warm. I had the guitar coil split so I could take full advantage of all the possible sounds available through the pickups, really great!

    Martin Macrae - P90 Sized Humbucker Set

    I'm thrilled with the P-90 sized humbucker you made for me

    Martin Sullivan - P90 Sized Humbucker

    Hi Jaime, Just put it in today and it sounds KILLER!!!!

    Very articulate and clear, even with heavy overdrive. It can get nasty as hell, but does the clean chime thing very nicely as well.

    I'm tempted to rip the HB's out of my SG…

    You make an awesome product my friend!!!! Thanks!!!!

    Gary Porter - Hum-90 Bridge

    Hi Jaime, I just wanted to drop you a quick email to say thank you for the P90 Sized Fat Humbucker I just received.

    I got it as a replacement for a slightly wild p90 that came in the bridge of my baritone, the pickup fitted in the space left by the old pickup perfectly and I now have that lovely tight and focused sound I was after!

    Thanks once again and keep up the good work, All the best,

    Matt Goss - P90 Sized Fat Humbucker

    It sounds amazing. Your humbucker allows me to drive the rockerverb a bit further with an amazingly tight low end. I can now seamlessly go from post rock to stoner rock without even having to change settings on my amp. Thanks for the amazing work!

    Tom Thijs - ’59 Humbucker for Jazzmaster

    Dear Jaime, I have got my Custom Shop 50s Gold Top back from Charlie Chandler, with the two pick ups you made, installed. They sound better than I imagined possible, the PAF is fantastic and the p90 balances with it beautifully, together they sound great too. I love closely voiced pick ups and this pair are subtly different and switching from neck to bridge or back the change in extremely useful authentic tone is pure magic. Thank you very much, you have created a masterpiece! All the Best David.

    David Chesterman - '59 Bridge & calibrated Hum-90 Neck

    The sound is amazing, the clarity of the tone is superb and for using it with overdrive, the tone is thicker and still the clarity is there. Usually I use Seymour Duncan, but I can say that Creamery is the best PU that I ever used. Thanks for creating the sound that fits what I'm looking for.

    Rommy Stefanus - Creamery '59 Humbucker Set

    Just to let you know I got the pickups fitted, eventually, yesterday. I have a full rehearsal tonight, but even with 5 mins at home I can tell that these pups are gems!! They'll be staying in the guitar for sure.

    BTW, I had a local guys fit them for me, Robert van der Linde, who was RAVING about your pickups! I don't know of you know him, but he's been a guitar builder in the past (Cadillac Guitars) and he' starting up again, saying he will use your pickups.

    Peter Graham - P90 Sized Humbucker Set

    Hi jaime just wanted to say I love the pickups you made for my Sheraton, they've really brought it to life. I had them installed along with full set of electronics so I now have a semi-hollow I will keep forever. I'm sure I'll be back for more from you and once again thanks.

    Carl O'Connor - ’59 Humbucker Set

    I bought a set of P90s from you a couple of months ago, unfortunately my guitar repairman has been quite ill so it has taken a while to get them fitted. They are now fitted. They have transformed the guitar and it sounds mighty! If I upgrade anything else in the future, you'll be my first port of call.

    Frank Robinson - Hum-90 Set

    I finally got around to hearing the pickups in the context of my band. I had them wired to that I can split the pickups into parallel single coils. The single coil option opens up completely new territory to me, giving me a really glassy, attack sensitive sound, that just inspires whenever a note is picked.

    The Creamery '59 sounds fantastic in the neck position. It's very clean, full and well-defined, and has just the right amount of balance between bass, mid and treble.

    The Classic '83 is equally full and well-defined. It sounds when running through my Tubescreamer or pushing the amps distortion channel. When playing with the tone knob on the guitar, I can get a really nasal, honky midrange type of sound that'll be really interesting to play around with.

    Thanks you very much for delivering a great pair of pickups! Until next time, keep up the good work! :)

    Jesper Boggild-Christensen - Classic '83 Bridge - '59 Neck

    Everything is installed. Wow, they sound great. Just the tones I was looking for. Played so long the first day I got it back my fingers hurt.

    Lee Stites - ’59 Humbucker - '64 Strat Middle & Neck H-S-S Set

    The Pickups are great!

    Trevor Tarling - Creamery '59 Humbucker Set

    Hello Jamie, I just finished with the sessions in Greece. Your pickups are really amazing! So lovely sound! Thank you again for everything Jamie!

    Steve Zakopoulos - Creamery '59 Humbucker Set

    Put them in yesterday, guitar needed to settle after being stripped down and having a different brand of strings on. Sounded pretty good last night, they sounded superb today.

    Most noticeably the dynamics of them, play gently with your fingers and they are totally clean, give t!hem some stick with a thick plectrum and they roar without changing any amp settings.

    Very clear sounding, just what I wanted. I can now do clean blues to classic rock just by altering my picking, amazing. For me they are the perfect balance between a Strat single coil and a humbucker.

    Nick Smith - Hum-90 Set

    Finally had a couple of hours free to actually plug my '06 Les Paul Standard in and try it! Going through a Blackstar HT 20 on the clean channel the bridge pickup is brilliant, very good separation of strings, bright and clear but without the ice-pick sharpness of the stock Burstbucker Pros. On the distortion channel it's perfect, the snarl I wanted is there instantly. The guitar tech who fitted them (Andy Farrell in Kimberley, Notts) was really impressed with the construction and look of the pickups, and said he thought that they have a real high-quality sound to them. He's not given to excessive praise so that's good going. I agree with him, there's something about the pickups that just sounds right. They sound like Gibson pickups should, but don't often nowadays.

    The neck pickup on clean is a revelation, and maybe my favourite setting. It has a sort of huge acoustic sound, with real separation and depth to it. My first Gibson, years ago, was a Les Paul Firebrand. At the time I didn't like the smooth, almost plummy sound of the neck pickup, but I've spent the last 20 odd years trying to find it again! There's an almost Gretsch-like quality to the neck pickup which is just brilliant, exactly what I wanted and what to me an LP neck pickup should sound like. It even encouraged me to fingerpick, not something I often do on electric guitars…

    The entire process of choosing, ordering and getting your pickups was faultless, your communication and prices were excellent, your website is attractive and well laid out and the pickups have made my LP sound, and look like it really always should have. I'm looking forwards to getting another few hours to explore more!

    Steve Turpin - ’59 Humbucker Set

    Hi Jaime, VERY NICE! Seriously, exactly what I'd hoped / asked for and then some.

    The neck has almost a mini-humbucker chimey / piano type vibe which I LOVE and the bridge, in contrast, has just the right amount of bite and grit when you need that extra edge. Great work and well worth the wait.

    Rob Jackson - P90 Size 12-Pole Humbucker Set

    Hi Jaime, I have just re-installed the new pups (got the hot and ground mixed up). Only had 5 minutes to run them through the amp but from that 5 minutes I can say they have completed my SG. Your pups match the sound in my head and for that I thank you. I can't wait to get back later to run them through the entire rig and see what sounds I can get.

    Mark Davies - Hum-90 Bridge and Domino Neck

    Hi Jaime, I received the pickups and got them installed. They sound great! Thanks very much for your work. The guitar tech at the store where I got them installed commented on them when I picked the guitar up, "Those things sound good!" Now the challenge is putting the guitar down! Thanks.

    Alejandro Leguizamo - ’59 Humbucker Set

    It's John from South Korea. Just wanted to let you know i've been using the Sonic Six's for a while and love them. They actually turned the brightness of my LP Deluxe into an advantage. I'll likely order more from you soon.

    John Lee - Sonic-Six Humbucker Sized Set

    Hi Jaime, after finally getting the guitar back from my tech and getting to try these pickups out, there's no way in hell I'm sending the extra pickup back! These are fantastic- BOTH of them. Thanks again so much for being willing to make something so out-of-the-ordinary, they are both tremendously chimey and also quite piano-like. I was only looking for a neck pickup because I was perfectly happy with my TV Jones classic plus in the bridge, but this bridge pickup is even better. Many Thanks!

    Ryan Salmond - 12-Pole (Adjustable) Humbucker Set

    Hi Jaime, just letting you know the f'trons sound superb on my latest hollow body tele, your p'ups really are the biz. Future projects are basses similar to guild B320, I,ve owned and played one since mid seventies and the sound is the best . I'll be in touch for the p'ups, Thanks again

    John Lacey - Black Cat Humbucker Set

    Jaime, Sorry it’s taken me so long to write. Thanks for building these pickups – they have been a revelation.

    They have done exactly what I wanted - to make this Les Paul sound like what it is, a Classic Les Paul. It sounds sweet and balanced in every setting and there’s a lovely singling top end that wasn’t there before. You were right – I haven’t used the coil taps much – I haven’t needed to as there’s enough bite when I need it, especially rolling off the volume a couple of steps which, with the treble bleed, takes me into P90/single coil-ish zone territory tonally easily, when I want it.

    Cracking job Jaime and feel free to use these comments the way you want.

    Richard Elson - ’59 Humbucker Set

    I finally got around around to installing a couple of other sets I've bought from you - a 12-pole humbucker set and a tele set (extra width neck and vintage 2 bridge). They're the best I've ever played. I can't stop playing every single combination of them. They seem 'solid as a tank' in how they sound, if that makes any sense. There's something about them that is just 'more' than anything I've ever played.

    Looking forward to the next couple of sets landing on my doorstep.

    Dennis Guy - 12-Pole Humbucker Set

    Just love my Humbucker set. The band noticed a real difference in tone straight away. So much power & clarity. Thanks!

    Andrew Hall

    With the new pickups, the sound is less muddy and clearer in the way I wanted them to be. In terms of output, the pickups are pretty much where the stock units were but the sound has improved immensely with more clarity but with no loss of punch or the sound that made me fall in love with my guitar. I'm very happy with them..real difference in tone straight away. So much power & clarity. Thanks!

    John Haselden

    Every pickup type I have purchased from you has been outstanding value for money and impressed the shit out of me but it has to be said the P90 Humbucker is off the scale man. One word - Awesomeness!

    Allan Hutchison

    Great pickup set. My Epiphone LP came alive!

    John Graham

    Great, Jaime. I do like the sound of your Alnico 5

    Ed 'Shed' Mitchell, Guitar & Total Guitar Magazines

    Wow! Put a Creamery 12 Pole in the Bridge to replace my standard tapped Humbucker. The difference is clear. This pickup sings. A great single coil tone with so much power as a full humbucker. Even with effects, the dynamics are still there.

    Jim Edwards

    All I can say is thank you for a pair of superb pickups, they are clear, articulate, powerful with lovely sustain and they look great too. I have wired the guitar with both pickups selectable between series and parallel and two choices of tone slope. The Alnico 2/4 combination works extremely well and there is now a very wide selection of available tones. The guitar has never sounded so good, a huge improvement. I hope your business and reputation continue to grow

    Grahame Roberts

    The pickups were actually for an upgrade to a customer's Epiphone LP so I only played them a bit. I thought the difference was very marked - a lot broader tonal range and very warm yet crystal clear - well named 'classic' actually. The customer is a beginner but he was well impressed with his new sound. I guess you would expect a big difference comparing them with stock Epis but I would recommend them to owners of higher end guitars if that's the sound they want. Your service is good too - thank you.

    Martyn Ellison - DoubleStop Guitars

    Pickups fitted and they sound fantastic

    Peter Aviziurs

    My guitar now sounds F'ing amazing. Many thanks for another great pickup!

    Gavin Woodcock

    The P90 sized Humbuckers sound beautiful! Many thanks

    Pete Fletcher

    Earthquake again? No! Your Humbucker sized P90 pickup shakes this house, Thanks.

    aki4cris from eBay

    I put my Dirty Shirt humbuckers into my '77 Les Paul and they are perfect. They have the right amount of bite without being harsh or too aggressive. Effects sound nice and clear and the pickups together sound amazing clean or dirty. Overall, these are probably the best pickups that I have ever had in this Les Paul

    Dave Warren

    The Humbucker sized P90 has now had a thorough testing and I have to say i'm very impressed! It's done a few gigs so far and I find it's perfect for my Jaguar. Fender should put these in as standard. It's still very much a jaguar sound but has the extra warmth and beef I wanted without having to mess around with different value pots etc. It still retains the clarity across all six strings and matches the neck pup perfectly. I'm pondering about getting a neck one too now but will see. Many thanks for your perseverence and interest in getting it right. I will pass on the good word about you. Thanks again.

    Cliff Preene (Silence Rises)

    The Hollow-Body Humbucker pickups arrived this morning, half an hour with the soldering iron and my beloved ES175 is revitalised, it sounds fantastic! Thanks for a great service, I'll give it test run tonight at Ronnie Scotts.

    Matt McGrory

    My band played last night and although your Humbucker sized P90 is in, I am afraid to say, an inexpensive Fender® Jaguar, your pickup gave me the best tone I think I have ever had. My very expensive Custom shop Strat did not get played at all. Thank you!

    David Chesterman

    New custom humbuckers from Jaime @ The Creamery. It's like my guitar's saying "I'm a Les Paul, what the f*ck are you going to do about it?!" Superb. The tone is incredible. Subtlety, presence, rich harmonics, classic '59 tone. Great great great!

    Ben Butterworth

    Hi, got the pickups in a few days ago, been giving them a thorough testing. Really great stuff. If this hum-sized P-90 is anything to go by then I'll definitely be ordering a set of full P-90s from you sometime in the near future. All three pickups are exactly what I'd hoped for. I've had pickups from pretty much every other brand out there, including a couple of other handwound ones, but I've never had a set as responsive as this lot. Great stuff, thanks!

    Sebastian Matthews

    Just a quick email to say a big thank you - had a chance to install the pickups at the weekend and they are even better than I had hoped they'd be and give exactly the sound I was after. Thanks a lot for all your help with this custom order - much appreciated - Ill be in touch the next time I decide to change out some pickups!

    Jonathan Wesson



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